As business owners, product developers, advertisers or educators, we all have messages we want to share with our respective audiences.  Determining the best way to communicate that message however, is not as straight forward as we may think.

Talking to people directly is great but obviously pretty limited in reach.  The written word can find a much wider audience but is not particularly engaging.  Also what if our message is complicated, can we be sure that it is being understood, or remembered, and can we control how words on a page are interpreted?

Video can also help us reach a wide audience, and compared to simple text on a page it has been shown to be more engaging. But we run into the same limitations when it comes to control of understanding, interpretation and long term memory commitment. 

Imagine you are introducing a service or product that no one has ever seen before, how do you ask people to imagine that service. Or how do you differentiate your product from one that already exists without illustrating that difference.

This is where animations come in. 

Animations combine, audio, text, and images into one multimedia format with which we can better communicate with our audience.  Information delivered through a multimedia format has been shown to be more engaging than just text or audio alone.  It is more accessible in a global world where English is not always the first language.  Images supporting audio or text also help our audience visualise what we are telling them or can be used to reinforce key messages.  It has also been shown that communication through the multimedia format of animation is more easily remembered than that delivered through one medium alone. 

At Inklish we understand and are passionate about the power of animation in communicating ideas whether that idea is a product, a new process or an improved service.